Since I started brewing my own, I much prefer mine to store bought, but I do really like the fizzy of the store stuff and I haven't mastered that part. There are some challenging aspects, like changes in the seasons that will make the temps in your house fluctuate and if you want to experiment with different flavors or teas, finding the right ones and the right recipe can take time. But I do find it rewarding. Another challenge I have is where to send the SCOBYs that I usually end up saving because I can't throw them away.
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See how thick my SCOBYs are in that jar? That is the result of making Kombucha last fall and not harvesting it. They get HUGE. I lost most of them to mold though, so it is important to keep the brewing in an area free of mold spores and make sure all the utensils and water are clean.
So you will start by gathering these materials and boiling 3 qts of filtered water. I used water from my refrigerator filter. Bring that to a boil in a big pot and then put 3-4 tea bags in to steep for 15 minutes. Remove the tea bags and add 1 cup of sugar (you should use all natural, organic sugar, but regular, white, grain sugar is fine). Stir it up to make sure it gets nice and dissolved.
The next thing you will need to do is let that tea get to about room temperature because you will kill the SCOBY if you put hot water on it. I like to set my pot in the sink full of cold water to speed this part along. After all, you don't want your pot of tea sitting out in the open for too long, it could collect mold spores this way.
After the tea has cooled down to about room temperature, you can pour it into the Ball jars and add one cup of Kombucha and a SCOBY. If you don't have a SCOBY, you should add more Kombucha. Next you will put a paper towel over the top and secure it with a rubber band. this will help keep things from landing in your jar and allow oxygen to help the brewing process. There are many kinds of containers you can use for brewing your Kombucha. I prefer this because it is easy and cheap and makes just enough for my house and usually some to spare for friends.
In the picture below, I have just poured in the tea and placed the SCOBY. That SCOBY is now the Mother and a new one will form on the top of the brew.
You will then set the jars in a place where they won't be messed with a lot and let them sit for about a week. You should get some pH tester strips and test it to see if it is at about 2.7-3.2. You can also take a small amount out and taste to see if it is where you like it. If you let it sit for too long, it will become vinegary and then you will have to dilute it to drink it. If that happens, I usually just brew some more tea or put it in juice to drink. But I prefer it to be sweet. So then, using glass jars with lids (I save my Kombucha Jars from the store) use a funnel to help gently pour the Kombucha into those jars, leaving very little space at the top, and secure the lids. Let them sit on a shelf for about 5 days and then put in the fridge and enjoy! Celebrate when you open lids and get fizz!! Even if it doesn't fizz, it is still yummy.
You will then set the jars in a place where they won't be messed with a lot and let them sit for about a week. You should get some pH tester strips and test it to see if it is at about 2.7-3.2. You can also take a small amount out and taste to see if it is where you like it. If you let it sit for too long, it will become vinegary and then you will have to dilute it to drink it. If that happens, I usually just brew some more tea or put it in juice to drink. But I prefer it to be sweet. So then, using glass jars with lids (I save my Kombucha Jars from the store) use a funnel to help gently pour the Kombucha into those jars, leaving very little space at the top, and secure the lids. Let them sit on a shelf for about 5 days and then put in the fridge and enjoy! Celebrate when you open lids and get fizz!! Even if it doesn't fizz, it is still yummy.
There are loads of other blogs and websites with information that you can browse through and see what works for you. Just know, as with any kind of "natural remedy" there are many variables and factors that go into making it just right and how it effects you when you use it. You will have to decide what works for you and what doesn't and when you find that right taste and effect, keep doing it. I recommend keeping a journal of how you brewed and the time and pH levels and average temps for the week and see what works, adjust for seasonal changes and have fun with it. DO NOT drink Kombucha from a brew that has grown mold. Otherwise, listen to your body and it will tell you what you need.
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